
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2017
1. CAPCAY capcay is food name typical chinese which is pupular because in cooking from a wide range of vegetable. the amount of vegetables used to make this culinary, depending on available ingredients and the tastes of everyone. the vegetabtables are like carrots, mustard greens, cabbage, and onions. in addition, this culinary can be combined with sausage, meatballs and seafood such as squid. this food is cooked in a way in gravy and in stir-fry. but most of what we encounter is cooked with gravy. this culinary can you find at the cafe green, jln. sepakat 2, bansir darat, southeast pontianak, pontianak city, west borneo. this culinary is very intriguing people who tasted it. this culinary is very suitable to eat with rice, the price is very affordable, suitable for the students. one serving in the price tag of 15000 rupiah. consisting of one bowl of capcay and one plate of rice. type of capcay served here in the form of sauce. in opinon, the tastes so delicious, the s
Question 1 1.official answer: B.people who hold positions of rank or authority in the army, navy, air force, or any similar organization.  2.mayor answer: official in charge of a goverment department. 3.Senators Answer: A.members of senate 4.Entrus B. To pit (something) into someone's care or protection. 5.interest Answer: C.something that brings advantages to or affects abperson or a group of people. Answer 2 1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.T Answer 3 1.local goverment, state goverment, federal goverment. 2.task of a mayor and city council members are the laws affect the city and the people who live there. 3.two issues protected by the state department is the health and safety of state citizens 4.-head of state           :president    -head of goverment :prime minister 5.ffederal goverment can do 3 thing are can print money, can negotiate with other countries and can declare war on another country. Answer of group work 1.t
Helm adalah sebuah alat yang di rancang untuk melindungi kepala. Tapi apakah masyarakat sudah benar-benar memahami dari fungsi helm? Dari wawancara saya terhadap beberapa narasumber, ternyata hampir 70% masyarakat memahami fungsi dan mamfaat helm. Dari wawancara yang saya peroleh dapat di simpulkan bahwa: 1.Sebagai perlindungan kepala dari benturan saat terjadi kecelakaan. 2.Sebagai perlindungan saat terjadi panas terik, hujan, debu, dan angin. 3.Lalu lintas mempunyai sebuah aturan untuk senantiasa menggunakan helm, maka sebagai warga negara yang baik maka kita wajib mematuhinya. 4.Menghargai hidup, sadar bahwa tuhan memberikan kesempatan untuk hidup hanya sekali oleh sebab itu jangan sampai gara-gara kelaian sedikit akan berakibat fatal. Demikian kesimpulan serta pelajaran yang dapat saya petik untuk hari ini, semoga berguna bagi teman-teman semua. Sampai jumpa besok. Bahasa inggris Helem is a gues the in stake to head save. But, whether last people really understand helem
MY DREAM Formerly when I still chilldren, i don't know want to be any and i am not any view  about my dream. my activity every day at the time that is eating, playing, and sleeping. but, since me school begin, i become wide knowledge about live. i am begin understand that education very useful to living human, because education possess value to the change. so, from reason to above, i have a big dream to the change of my village so that can be village there go forward. from that i have a big dream to creat it, into five year later. the firts i will to be a teacher professional so that latter it my student who smart, creative, and inovation. second, i will make a work business  do can employ another person. with that, i can support the economy in my region. third, after my work business be success i will go on vacation to madrid city, i will watching real madrid competition in a direct because real madrid is the my favorite club since me children and that become section for m
Name:giatno Nim   :F1261171003 Class  :p. Ips 1 Test 1 Answer:c 2.course Answer:b 3.switch Answer:a 4.excel Answer:a Test 2 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.F Test 3 Answer: associato of arts, or AA degree, is a two-year undergraduate degree undergraduate degree  program that is typically appereed by a junior, technical, or community college. Same hour-year colleges also opper AA degrees. An associate of arts(AA) provides students a general a liberal arts eduction that prepures them por a bachelor's degree program at a four-year college or university 2.a. A minimun hight school grade point average b.minimun standardited test scores(ACT or SAT) c.passing grades in any necessary prequisite courses d.statement of goals of purpose e.letter of recommendation science 4.baclhelor degree 5.a university is a group of school for studies after secondary school. At least one of these school is a college where students receive a bavhelor